E-mail: kartikeducation@rediffmail.com, Phone: +91-9415429426

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Kartik Shikshan Sansthan

Aims and Objectives

KSS is committed towards its objectives which are community development, handicap welfare, child welfare, promotion and national integration, communal harmony, brotherhood and peace, involving the youth in the income generation activities and providing them platforms to serve the community. The major aims and objectives of the organisation are:

  • To provide opportunities for physical, moral, cultural and social education by organising seminars, workshops, symposium, exhibitions, meetings, discussions, cultural and sports meet, adventure programme and other social gathering/programmes
  • To promote and develop entrepreneurship among the unemployed personnel of the area of operation through vocational training, professional education/training, financial and technical assistance
  • To foster friendly relationship between rural and urban people and work for the weaker society
  • To enable children to play, think, laugh and grow as children
  • To create socio-economic-cultural awareness among people
  • To impart health education and to foster culture
  • To organise people, specially the women, to take initiatives for their own development
  • To motivate people for judicious utilisation of local resources
  • To inculcate knowledge among the people to take action for restoration of ecological balance and harmony
  • To provide and arrange need based training to the rural folk, men and women to upgrade their knowledge and improve their skill to become socio-economically self-reliant
  • To take action against environment pollution and harnessing the power of nature through proper utilisation of renewable energy
  • To emphasise the need for education as the first step to fight against poverty
  • To work for sustainable development of the people through participatory process
  • To promote organised marketing of peoples' tailoring training
  • To promote inter state and international contacts, exchange of thought and enlighten about the global humanitarian interest without discrimination of class, colour, creed or religion by providing a meeting round in the homely and healthy atmosphere
  • To organise national integration camps in different part of India
  • To promote the concept of gender justice and child welfare
  • To organise educational tours including mountaineering and trekking for youth groups
  • To promote, propagate and educate about the healthy life style
  • To promote and protect child rights
  • To organise, explore fund raising efforts/initiative for the fulfilment of the objectives of the organisation by mobilisation of financial assistance/donations from government, national or international agencies
  • To amalgamate any society, association, institutions, company or other body whether corporate or not, take over the properties, assets, liabilities and engagements of any such body.
  • To affiliate or work in cooperation with institutions or societies whether National or International, which have similar objects, aims and activities