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Kartik Shikshan Sansthan
KSS is working on HIV/AIDS issue in the brass city Moradabad through Targeted Intervention Project in collaboration with National AIDS Control Society (NACO) and Uttar Pradesh State AIDS Control Society (UPSACS). Being an industrial city (brassware), major railway station and gateway to the hills of Uttarakhand, the city is high on HIV/AIDS risk list.
The organisation is working on two high risk groups: FSWs (female sex workers) and IDUs (injectible drug users).
FSWs mainly indulge in unsafe sexual behaviour because of either ignorance or because of insistence of their clients. This unsafe sexual behaviour puts them on high risk and they suffer from sexually transmitted diseases as well as HIV and AIDS. To tackle the situation, KSS is working in several locations of Moradabad city. The major activities include awareness generation among community members, condom distribution, STI treatment facility, drop in centre, examination at ICTC (integrated counselling and testing centre), etc.
The IDUs are distributed disposable syringes and needles so that they do not share a syringe and needle and thus help prevent spread of HIV/AIDS. Facilities for abscess treatment are also made available.